Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Contacts for Council's Own

If you see a try-it on here that sounds interesting, but can't find it on the web, let me know.  I have a spread sheet with a list of all the locations/web sites for each badge I have found.

Today when I get home I am going to take the print-outs of badges and organize them into a binder.  This way we can track some of the activities that overlap try-its.  It will also let me find the ones we want now and then I can refer to the spread sheet to order all try-its from that council.  (No need to pay shipping twice).

I found an explore Loredo patch today which will be great for when we go to Texas this Christmas.  I am going to look at the other cities that fit into it and see how far away they are and if we would have time to fit them in.  (We already planned on San Antonio).  Keep in mind that the badges I listed are try-it's only...a lot of places have badges/patches for locations visited which is really cool if you are going somewhere.

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